Jerry Milo Johnson Genealogy
Family Tree

K.R. Newberry


Card to Cora (Teeple) Johnson from Alma (Hastings) Newberry

June 1, 1950

June 1, 1950

Dear Cora
We got home O.K. it was such a beautiful day. We stopped at the Saratoga Farms for dinner. It is such a beautiful eating place about 4 miles from Farmington on Grand River West.
Bob's were over Decoration Day. We didn't do anything but play with the kids. Their baby is good natured like Bob used to be.
Art says unless they do more than he knows about, we will be going home some time next week. Maybe we will get our own house started before he has to start some thing else. I'm anxious to get at it. It gives you a lonesome feeling to know you have no home to all your own.
I'm going up town this A.M. to get yarn to knit Keith a sweater for his birthday. It's a nice 2 mile walk. aught to do something for my tonnage.
We will try to see you when you get to Bay City. Until then keep up the good work.
Love Alma

Owner of originalMilo Johnson card box
DateJune 1, 1950
Linked toAlma Suzanne Hastings; Arthur George Newberry; K.R. Newberry; R.J. Newberry; Cora Ethel Teeple

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