Jerry Milo Johnson Genealogy
Family Tree

Clifford Teeple

Male 1886 - 1886  (0 years)


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Condolences for the family of Clifford Teeple.

Alcona County Review 8/13/1886
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Newspaper Date : 8/13/1886 12:00:00 AM
Volume : 10
Number : 19
Page : 1
Column : 6
Newspaper : Review
Description : Condolences for the family of Clifford Teeple.
Transcription : Resolutions of Condolence. At a regular convocation of Black River Commandery, No. 53, Black Knights of Malta, the following resolutions were presented and unanimously passed: Whereas, Our worthy companion, Frederick Teeple, has been afflicted by the death of his child, Clifford Teeple, Resolved, That we extend to our companion and his family our sincere sympathy, and trust that God may mercifully apply the balm of Gilead to their wounded and stricken hearts, and that this affliction, which for a time seemeth grievous, may be so overruled that the sorrow which may endure for a night shall give place to joy in the resurrection morning. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the afflicted family, and that they be printed in the Harrisville Review. IN MEMORY OF CLIFFORD TEEPLE. We have lost our darling Clifford, Oh! how hard it is to part With our darling little treasure, Whom we loved with all our heart. Yes, we loved him, and our heart strings Seem to break with tears of woe; But we know our Father called him, And we had to let him go. Let him go; Hard it is those words to say; But remember, fondest mother, He is so happy all the day. In that home that knows no sorrow, All is happiness and peace; There he's waiting for his mamma, When on earth your troubles cease. Donald Fraser, Wm. Flawes, Committee Wm. M Bence

Linked toClifford Teeple; Frederick Oliver Teeple

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