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James Martin

Male Abt 1851 - Yes, date unknown


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Election results for Alcona Township, with Duncan J. McArthur, Robert Hasty, and Henry Miller all elected.

Alcona County Review 4/7/1882
Copied from

Newspaper Date : 4/7/1882 12:00:00 AM
Volume : 5
Number : 51
Page : 1
Column : 4-5
Newspaper : Review
Description : Election results for Alcona Township, with Duncan J. McArthur, Robert Hasty, and Henry Miller all elected.
Transcription : TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS. Alcona Township. Alcona had two tickets in the field--the regularly nominated (Union) ticket, and the stump ticket with Elison Milligan for Supervisor. The ticket nominated prevailed. Our correspondent at Alcona sends in the results as follows: Editor Review--The "Union ticket" is elected by a large majority. For Supervisor, John McGuire received 126 votes, and Elison Milligan 100 votes. For Clerk, D. J. McArthur received 159 votes and Jas. E. Fleming 64 votes. For Treasurer, Robert Hastey received 226 votes (no opposition). For Highway Commissioner, James Martin received 205 votes, and Wm. Hill 21 votes. To the balance of the ticket there was no opposition. D. Mulholland was elected Justice for four years. Louis R. Fisk Justice for one year, Edward Donney, School Inspector for one year, Henry Miller, Matthew Carson, John Mulvaney and R. Jackson were elected Constables. The only excitement was for Supervisor, and if certain parties had kept their agreement, there would have been different results. A man wants to say what he will do, and do it according to the rule, and he will be the gainer in the end. Everything was quiet and peaceful at the polls. There was one per cent. raised for highway purposes, and the following persons elected overseers: 1st district, Joseph Yuill; 2nd district, John McDonald; 3d district, Jas. Churchill.

Linked toJames E Fleming; Robert Hastings; James Martin; Duncan J McArthur; Ellison Milligan; Joseph Yuill

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