James E Fleming1849 - Bef 1910 (~ 60 years)1 2 3 4 5 ... 11» Next» » Slide Show Duncan McArthur is nominated as Township Clerk at the Union caucus. Alcona County Review 3/25/1887 Newspaper Date : 3/25/1887 12:00:00 AM Volume : 10 Number : 51 Page : 4 Column : 5 Newspaper : Review Description : Duncan McArthur is nominated as Township Clerk at the Union caucus. Transcription : ALCONA ATOMS. Alcona, March 24.--At a Union caucus held in McGuire's hall, on the 19th, the meeting was called to order by D. Mulholland. On motion Jas. Brahaney was appointed chairman, and L. R. Fiske, secretary of the meeting. James Martin and H. R. Morrison were appointed tellers by the chair. One informal ballot was taken for supervisor and resulted as follows: James Fleming 35 Joseph Yuill 30 John McGuire 35 A formal and final ballot resulted as follows: Joseph Yuill 52 James Fleming 48 John McGuire 30 Scattering, 5. Joseph Yuill was declared the nominee. It was moved and supported that one formal and final ballot be taken for township clerk, which resulted as follows: D. J. McArthur 48 F. P. McCormack 10 Elison Milligan 36 M. C. McFadyon 41 Scattering, 1. D. J. McArthur was declared the nominee. F. J. Hill was declared the nominee for township treasurer by a viva voice vote. One formal and final ballot was taken for highway commissioner with the following result: F. J. Card 59 Thomas Fleming 45 Wilson Milligan 13 H. K. Morrison 5 Scattering, 5. F. J. Card was declared the nominee. One ballot was taken for Justice, full term, and resulted as follows: M. Flors 3 Archy Campbell 6 J. L. Shaw 8 William Snoden 34 D. Mulholland 26 James Martin 28 Wm. Snoden was declared the nominee. Geo Ritchie was declared the nominee for school inspector by a viva voce vote. The following named persons were declared nominees for constables: Fred Teeple, George Ritchie, Peter McGregor, Matt Milar. The following committee was appointed by the chair for the nest ensuing year: John Millen, D. Mulholland, and John McGuire.
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