McCLENACHAN, ELIJAH. Chester County.
April 7, 1802: February 8, 1810.
Gives $40 out of the money bequeathed me by the last will of my uncle Dr. Robert Finney and the will of mother Anna McClenachan to assist in building a stone wall around the family burying ground on Thunder Hill. To the congregation of New London $60.
To the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America $20.For the use of the poor of Chester County $20.
To son John Finney McClenachan $100 and wearing apparel.
To daughter Lettice, wife of Samuel Hindman $l. To son Elijah $300. To granddaughter Jennet McClenachan that lives with me various articles. To son Samuel Blair McClenachan all remainder of estate, real and personal.
Executors: Son Samuel B. McClenachan and James Strawbridge. (Letters to son.) Wits.: Jno. Menough, John Reed.